34: The Path of Service with Gloria Baraquio


This is one of my favorite conversations I’ve had thus far.

Gloria Baraquio is a Bhakti yogi who leads teacher trainings and retreats all over the world. She came to yoga through the path of healing her own suffering, and soon found immense fulfillment by sharing the practice with others.

Gloria is one of my personal mentors and teachers. I completed my yoga teacher training with her and her Serge Berliawksy of Shivakali Yoga in the beginning of 2018. Her teachings and example of compassion, devotion, and mindfulness have been carried with me since then into my career as a teacher myself.

I love this woman. I love her heart. I am SO excited to share that heart with you. Gloria and I discuss the challenges and rewards that come with following a spiritual path, a path of service.


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