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Uncover your inner riches & open to the flow of your divine prosperity.


Ps. Special Invite for the Heart-Led Business Collective Below!

What’s inside WEALTHY…

Watch this video for a thorough BTS look and conversation around WEALTHY.


Do you feel open to the wealthiest, most abundant, most divinely prosperous version of yourself or does fear, guilt, and shame get in the way?

For many people, the second option lives as the reality. We live in fear of finances. It’s not our fault.. It’s our embodied baseline that has been handed down through the collective + generations.

Up until about two hundred years ago, women were not allowed to own property in many countries - and in many countries, still aren’t allowed. This time frame to start developing financial independence has been even less for POC.


Our connection to money is directly related to our survival instinct.

At the very least, we need money to feed, clothe, and house ourselves and our loved ones and meet our basic well-being needs.

Beyond that…

There’s a possibility of moving into thriving, where we are saving and investing consistently and have a nice safety net, we feel comfortable with the ability to pay off our debts. We can work less and do what we love to make money, we can feel like we have enough to share and create equality shifts by contributing to the social, environmental, and economic wellbeing of others with our resources. We feel good about and proficient with money.

Even beyond that…

There’s the possibility and potential of embodied and tangible overflow. That state where money comes and goes easily. Where money is a nonissue because it is always there. Where your money works for you. Where money is trusted, loved, and appreciated deeply. Where money is an extension of the inner freedom that is embodied and expressed. Where we feel deeply empowered with giving, receiving, and having money.


This LIFETIME ACCESS EXPERIENCE will help you heal and empower your shifts in the area of your connection to your openness with receiving, circulating, & holding money + wealth.

For so long, this idea of thriving and overflow wasn’t possible. Times have changed, though. Our collective reality is massively changing every single day. We are relearning what it means to be human. We are evolving on the DNA level.

So, how can we lead this transition if our systems are operating from a place where we are subconsciously looking to reconfirm our deep-rooted, worn-out programs that there is never enough, we can’t do what we love and make money, we have to work ourselves to the bone for money, and so on?

Self-awareness, embodiment, and speaking the language of money.

We have the power to make conscious shifts and steer the unquestionable force of change into the direction of good for ourselves and others.


Hi I’m Melissa.

Lemme tell you a lil about my money journey.

In 2018 I was waking up in the middle of the night, terrified, not knowing how I was going to make ends meet.

I didn’t understand money. I was avoidant AF. I was filled with shame. I had no idea how to regulate myself around money.

I started consciously learning about the flow of money and applying my now 16 years of healing experience to my relationship with money.. and everything changed.

I didn’t realize how much fear, shame, pressure, + anger I was holding onto around money.

I didn’t know what lies underneath.

I believe that all of us have the ability to alchemize our life, ancestral, and collective experience of money into one that is a representation of an exchange with love.

This is the work we do in WEALTHY.

After applying this work in my life (with no intentions to teach it yet), I grew a multi-six figure a year business as a healer, meditation teacher, and life coach. I went from making ends meet to having a deposit for a house in six months. I 5xed my business in 5 months. 

I knew I needed to teach this work after that. My clients started asking for it from me and the universe SCREAMED at me to go public with my money teachings. 

So much has changed since then.. I am forever changed.. 


I have an embodied and tangible default of overflow. It’s literally who I am at this point because of the work I have done and CONTINUE to devote myself to daily (why WEALTHY is lifetime access to all recorded AND live components).

I am now empowered with money. I know how to make it. I know how to build upon it. I’ve built a 7+ figure business.

I know how to face my shadows around it and regulate into safety with it. I can face serious financial challenges (like losing $130K in a week on my house because I had to sell in a bad market + found some serious mold and septic problems after exiting an abusive relationship and while I was taking a break from working) and still love myself, regulate myself, process my grief, and keep going. 

I have and sustain both embodied and financial overflow.  

I built multiple six figures in net worth in a few short years though multiple streams of income.

I continue to trust myself to go all in on my dreams - which finances play a big role in helping create. 

I’m doing this in alignment with my values. I don’t burn out. My well-being is the best it’s ever been. I have capacity for the full spectrum of humanness in my relationship with money. I’ve healed family ties damaged by money and supported my family, I bought a dream home, I’ve made investments in my business and future.

I have a solid, loving, reciprocal relationship with money.

I’ve found the tools to sustain true, embodied trust, decisiveness, and empowerment when it comes to cash.

I can truly say that I am aligned with the wealthiest version of me, inside and out.

If you’re called, I’d love to teach you how to create your own version of your wealthiest life.


Β What is Wealthy?

wealthy breaks down money work in my Heal, Deepen, + Expand methodology:



Shifting, sorting, reflecting, feeling… coming into full neutrality with your relationship with money through your entire system (mind, body, energy, emotions). We will be asking ancestral, collective, and personal money traumas and pain to come forward to be processed with loving compassion, somatic practices, energetic practices, and gentle but focused awareness. This is space-making for the new default we are about to build. Think of this like clearing the old dead leaves to make room for new growth.


Here. Now. We set the foundation. We open up to what is. We find freedom and abundance in the present moment. From here, we learn to accept, then, embrace, then feel supported by and so freaking joyous for our current financial reality. Again, loving awareness, breath, and focused presence building move from your nervous system all the way through and out into your reflected reality. Capacity opens even more. You become so clear on your values and direction with money. You feel and harness co-creative power with the universe. Think of this like strengthening the core of the stalk and spreading roots to allow for expanded growth.


The tipping point. Having the tools to continuously leave scarcity behind and truly anchor abundance that is playful, empowered, and exciting. Initiating an entirely new framework for how you interact with spending, saving, and receiving money. The power of choice. Opening up the channels to receive more. Building wealth. Investing. Speaking the language of money. Allowing opportunities to meet you as you. Think of this as the growth that happens naturally when you have created the healthy environment for blooming to thrive.



Become Your Own Financial Advisor

Taking control of your finances and becoming your own financial advisor means gaining the confidence and knowledge to make informed decisions that align with your goals, without relying on expensive third-party advisors. By managing your own money, you can save significant amounts in feesβ€”often 1-2% annually on assets under managementβ€”savings that can add up to hundreds of thousands over a lifetime. In WEALTHY, you gain access to the tools, resources, and education needed to build your financial literacy, empowering you to optimize your investments, start building wealth from scratch or take your wealth building into your own hands, all while keeping more of your wealth for yourself. We’re here to support you every step of the way, helping you make smarter, more confident decisions and avoid the hidden costs of traditional financial advice.

Wealthy Client Love


β€œMelissaaaa I just want to share with you how much Wealthy changed things for me! Literally in awe about how I handle money now. I’ve been going into our accounts once a week and updating income/expenses, when I first started that practice in Wealthy it was sooo charged for me. Clenchy, uncomfortable. Now I don’t even need to regulate myself beforehand! (I still do though haha). I just finished April numbers and it was an expensive month - we ended up spending more than we made because of taxes and some unexpected expenses. And I was COOL AS A CUCUMBER ABOUT IT. Literally no reaction, I was like oh hmm that’s interesting.”


Ashlee | Wealthy Student

Kiran | Wealthy Student





What’s included:


WEALTHY Practices

to deepen your money consciousness and wealth embodiment journey over time. Dozens of energetic, embodiment, self-awareness, and meditative practices to anchor into abundance at your own pace.

WEALTHY Trainings

that cover the Heal, Deepen, Expand Money Methodology + bonuses:

  • Nervous System Grounding

  • Ancestral Lineage & Collective Programming Deconstruction

  • Open Your Receiving Capacity

  • Karmic Spending

WEALTHY Live Calls

Get immediate access to our back log of WEALTH Wisdom Activations + Community Call recordings that include practices like:

  • Forgiveness + Self-Sabotage

  • Inner Work with your Financial Accounts

  • Intimacy and Creating a Relationship with Money

  • Worthiness in Your Money Journey

  • Money as an Offering

  • Dreams + Cultivating Your Power

  • Shame Releasing & Compassion/Trust Anchoring

  • Money and death

  • Debt pay off training

  • Trainings on retirement planning, stocks, crypto and more

Monthly group calls

Wealth Wisdom Activations & Q&A and Community Hot Seat Coaching calls on the first and second Tuesday of each and every month at 11 AM MST - always recorded.

(times subject to change)

Plus Guest Lecture recordings and lives that include

  • Jaqueline Holmes with Bookkeeping Magic

  • More live guest classes to come!

+ A hopping community Telegram group to celebrate and anchor.




You’ll also get access to these bonuses!


Success Through Fulfillment - a whole bonus course on creating a wildly successful career doing what you love & what is of service to others & the world.

Worthy Abundance Codes: Nine meditative drop ins for anytime you desire a quick abundance shift.


Plus yearly live offers like GET RICH and more!


Desiring to get a taste of Wealthy?

Tune into this Episode of Air & Earth Podcast wehre i walk you through my WEALTHY money methodology


I’ve shared this work with hundreds of clients..

I’ve seen people heal family ties scarred by finances, pay of debt and heal the debt shame, get $40k raises, exponentially blow up their business profit and revenue, buy their dream homes, and so much more. It all starts with the inner work and ripples out. 


 How It Works

  • You get immediate access to your Wealthy Portal and all the bonuses upon signing up to keep your momentum going strong! We recommend you get started ASAP to tap into that momentum.

  • You get a welcome email that gives you all the info you need to know.

  • You will be able to join the Telegram community immediately and have LIFETIME access to the content and live calls.


 Frequently Asked Questions

  • NO! This lifetime access experience is for everyone! I’ve had students who were in tech get raises, corporate leaders climb the ladder a little higher, people in unfulfilled jobs quit to become full-time teachers or creatives, artists start selling more of their work, creatives create other streams of income in their businesses, moms have unexpected money show up, and more.

  • Oh yes, lord. We go deep into debt: clearing shame and guilt, β€œgood’ vs. β€œbad” debt, shifting your view on debt, consciously choosing debt, how to be comfortable with debt, how to align your energy to pay off debt if that’s what you desire. We discuss this in the course content, you are given debt journaling and practices, and we discuss in the live classes.

  • I totally understand you have a lot to do.. I do, too! But I’ve found this work is SO POWERFUL that I’ve made it a priority in my life. You get out of this course what you put in. Most of the time, just simple energy shifts (like taking the leap to sign up!) create ripple effects in how money flows into your life and how you feel about money. That boost will give you the motivation to keep going and prioritize this work. You have to make space for it. :) BUT, each module is pretty short, you work at your own pace, all of the live calls are recorded, and you have lifetime access. Busy? No freaking problem.

  • You’ll feel in your soul, body (or whatever your human design authority is) if this is for you.. Then, it’s time to make your sign up a ritual, a release practice, a declaration and trust yourself. Open to receive, baby.

  • No. This is a lifetime access container. When you sign up, you are committing to the payment plan you have selected when checking out. There is no cancellation option for the payment plans with this offer.

  • PLENTY of people have done this work and had immediate (almost freaky) income results from their energetic declaration that they were finally open to create a new way of being around money - however making more money actually isn’t our biggest intention and there are not guarantees granted. The most important thing that has developed for people is they move into acceptance and love around finances vs. the default of fear and lack. Embodying self-awareness and trust in money creates massive rippe impacts into your financial reality, but everyone’s journey is different.

  • Heck yes! We are making this program as accessible as possible. You can find the payment plan options at the checkout page.

  • We have a no refund policy. Once you sign up, you’re in babe.. and it’s time to go deep.

  • YES! We have bundle options listed below. If you would like to bundle with another program, email us at

  • Please refer to our Equity Model Pricing Options first. If those are still out of reach for you and you have unchosed financial hardship, we have a partial scholarship program for WEALTHY. You can learn more and apply here.


However you are feeling, whatever this is bringing up for you, know that I, and many others around the world are here with you.

This work is deep, it’s relatively new, it touches places of ourselves where we may have not known or dared to look before. If it’s bringing up a lot for you to invest in yourself in this way.. that’s normal. And actually, it’s a good sign. It means there’s work to do here. ;)

Feel into where you could be in just a few short months.

Feel into how your life could change.. seriously.. stop reading this and visualize your future if you had the tools and support to keep healing, deepening, and expanding your relationship with money.

Before you join.. make it a ritual.

You may be feeling a lot, the fear, the guilt, the shame that has been passed down for generations.

You may be feeling excitement, expansiveness, or hope. Whatever you are feeling, feel it. Journal, move, breathe.

Let it move through. Feel into where you could be in just a few short months of committing to this work. Feel how your life could change. When it feels clear.. you know it’s your moment to sign up. Continue to allow the energy to flow through you. This is your declaration.

I am so excited and honored to hold you in this space.





Bundle and Save!



THe all access mastermind and pass. Gain INSTANT ACCESS to WEALTHY, Become Success, Bloom, Scale, Cash Vortex, Capacity AND Bloom. Get a year of mastermind calls. Receive 1:1 support. Now enrolling for 2025 bonuses!


Apply for private coaching integration for your life, business, and relationship with money


Join WEALTHY for lifetime access today!

we are NOW offering equity based pricing that supports you and your current financial situation for lifetime access. We want to create an accessible container for different experiences. Please choose the option that applies to your financial situation - honor system. Reach out with any questions!



Lifetime access does not mean Melissa will be teaching this into her 90’s ;).Melissa does reserve the right to shift this and end the live portion of the container if this is no longer in alignment with her and her business structure any longer (although we don’t see this happening any time soon!). In this case you will still be able to access all recorded content lifetime access. Melissa Moffet is not a financial advisor or licensed therapist - and this is not a replacement for financial advisement or mental health support. You agree to these terms and conditions when you check out.
