Up Level Adventuring with Mandolin Badger


This week on Air & Earth podcast, Mandolin Badger and I are coming at you from the road!! We have been on our up-level adventure, hitting up some amazing national parks, and experiencing some deep reflections around abundance in nature, trust in intuition, enoughness, and so much more.

Out in nature, we released our bodies from what was no longer serving us. I went through deep processing wondering if I was ready and capable of my dream life that is coming at me in so many directions, and if I truly deserve these up-levels. I learned to trust my intuitive process and allow the abundance to come naturally.

I hope you enjoy this episode with Mandolin! You can check out her work on Instagram & her Website.

And don’t forget, I am running a FLASH SALE on two meditation bundles - Air & Earth Guided Meditations & The Growth Guide - access mindfulness loving support with 40% off!

Be sure to repost this show on your Instagram story with a screenshot and tag me. Also, rate and review and send a screenshot to worthy@melissamoffet.com to get a free 20 minute guided meditation!

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