The Mega Money Bundle Includes:

Wisdom & Wealth: The energetics of wealth + tangible wealth-building tools + wealth practices. We do inner safety work in some of the other classes. This is about having tangible funds to support you and to play with. Unlimited possibilities.

THE TIPPING POINT: When scarcity doesn't fit anymore. The point of no return. The field of overflow. The realm of possibilities. I had anchored in $50k+ months here. Beyond my wildest dreams. Money felt easy, fun... there was no going back from this point. This is a "take it in" calibration shift, opening up your mind kind of class.

Money Manifestation: Working with, accepting, recognizing, loving on, transmuting, and clearing blocks, fears, generational traumas, and stories around money. The healing and receiving! Taught when I had anchored in $20k months and had saved up enough to buy my first home. Doing the deep perception shifting work to open up to a completely new way of experiencing money.

The Crypto Portal: Intro into the energetics + logistics of crypto investment. Take back THE most valuable currency: your time. This one was SO POWERFUL! And now is an EXCELLENT time to invest!

Money Archetypes Masterclass: a special BONUS class you can't get anywhere else! Learn about different ways of relating with money and transmuting them from the shadow to the empowered side with loving awareness.