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The initiation begins August 2022…

You hear messages.. you have visions of the future.. you have powerful downloads to communicate to the masses.


But sometimes.. you doubt yourself. You don’t fully believe in the worth of your message. You sometimes feel stagnant energy and get frustrated by it. You get on video, and sometimes you lose the power in your voice.

The questions is.. “How do I fullllly embody and allow this leader that I KNOW is in there to come to the surface?”


This is the container to elevate the powerful speaker, visionary guide, and more and more seen change maker in you.


In 4 weeks, we’re going deep into the tools, practices, and guidance I’ve gained from my 6 years of creating powerful content that transforms hearts, building a community that has a deep connection to the soul of thousands and thousands, and leading thousands of clients through evolution to create the internal state that has brought the imprints to flourish into the lives of their dreams.






Leadership initiations, commitment, readiness, energetic space

Mmmm. Okay so one of my favorite topics first! Leadership initiations… you know, the moments where you’re like WHY THE HELL IS THIS HAPPENING? - When if feels like no one is listening, losing followers, a disruption with an audience member or client, feeling distortion and doubt in your message.. these are initiations toward becoming an even stronger leader when you learn to navigate them with love and compassion. We’ll also be diving into commitment to your cause and backing actions with powerful follow through and belief, being READY to receive the love, money, and attention that comes with leadership, and having energetic, mental, and physical space for leadership.


Mission embodiment and God channeling

We’ll go deeeeeeep into this. WTF do you believe in? What is an intention that is WAYYY bigger than you, but still holding you being supported af in your business? How can you tap into the messages that are meant for you to voice into the world. YOU ARE HERE TO CREATE A BEAUTIFUL WORLD FOR YOURSELF AND OTHERS. THIS is the factor that keeps me coming back again and again. This is the factor that has held me in trust from the very beginning.


Leading yourself, seeing and caring for yourself as a leader

Your authenticity is where it’s at, babe. You have to be your best clients, and have love for yourself in a way that no one else does. Your energy is #1.. this is what created connections that has people listening on the edge of their seat, coming back for more, and paying for even more. Beyond that, well get you hooked into the energy of a TRUE LEADER. The kind that only you are here to express. AND we’ll get you supported in a way that leaders deserve (both internally in your practices and externally in your life and business).


Voice activation

The messages are there.. but how do you communicate them with power, authenticity, and magnetism? Let’s activate that captivating voice. Leaders are here to share and be heard. It’s time your voice drops in, your heart comes through, and your power radiates from every word you say. They’ll listen.


Imparting empowerment

Okay, so you’re feeling more empowered than ever.. but the whole point is to spread the love, right? This is how to activate and elevate those in your field into breaking open and breaking free. I’ll create a leader out of you, then you’ll create a leader out of them, then they’ll create leaders every where we go. From clients, to the barista, to your children, to your IG followers.. it’s about a ripple effect of empowerment that your words, actions, energy, and the way you carry yourself naturally exudes.




Recorded + Live Calls

Each Module will have a pre-recorded training drop, followed by a live group coaching, practice, and teaching call.


Facebook Community

For the 4 weeks with prompts and support from me, my team, and your peers.


Between calls to integrate the landing leadership.

Opening + Closing Calls

Two additional calls to ground into and close out the program together.




The calls will take place on Zoom so I can see your pretty faces and hear those powerful voices.

You have lifetime access to the recordings. The Facebook group will close two weeks after the container ends.

All replays and homework will be stored in our Thinkific Learning Portal where you’ll have a personal log in. This info will be automatically emailed out to you.

Option to bundle with the WEALTHY 12 month money healing, deepening, and expanding portal.

There is a history of a wide variety of people being in this container. We’ve had entrepreneurs as well as corporate leaders. We’ve had those just starting out and those who are 20 years in or making multiple six figures.

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Access to the container and lifetime replay is currently $1111.




 DM me on IG.

Okay, blooming leader! That’s all of the sales page!

I trust that if you know this if for you, you’ll fire up your empowerment engines and take the leap.

Set some intentions, feel your feelings, take a deep breath, and dive in!

I’ll be here on the other side to celebrate you.
