There has been a shift.

The collective is CRAVING business backed by purpose. Mother Earth is reaching her max of being used and depleted and needs people rising into power and wealth who will care for her. Humans are seeing through the bullshit profit for profit sake models of business. We’re ready for change. We’re ready for the heart-led business paradigm.

I see you. You are here to steward this shift.

You CARE DEEPLY. You have lived and seen enough that you care more about money for money’s sake or chasing success to fill a void. You have deep medicine, artistry, products, and offerings that create real impact, bring joy, uplift well-being.

This is not another offering that promises pedestalized solutions to all your problems. I don’t see you or your business as a problem to fix.

However, I’m not here to bypass. Heart-led business can be challenging. I know the feeling of being on an emotional roller coaster with my work. I know the feeling of money feeling scary and like a foreign concept. I know the feeling of what feels like speaking into a void - wondering if your work is landing. I know the feeling of people judging you for what you are called to do. I know the recognition of how you are holding yourself back and sabotaging your success. I know grappling with if what you feel coming through you is truly enough and feeling like you have to follow someone else’s way. I know selling can feel awkward af. I know the growing pains of scaling - what it takes to step into the responsibility of caring for 1000’s of paying clients. I know the vulnerability of being seen by 1000’s of people on the daily.

And I have learned to overcome these, again and again, alchemizing my fears, wounds, not-enoughness into courage, wisdom, and skillsets that have built a 7 figure brand that has served over 4000 clients and reaches tens of thousands.

I’ve created this space, Impact Thousands, Make Millions for you to:

  • Remember + anchor into how freaking worthy, ready, capable, and open you are to your next level of heart-led impactful + reciprocal receiving and giving (my definition of fulfilling success).

  • Stop playing small in your magic and gifts and OWN the unique impact that is channeling through you so your soul-work can truly resonate with the people it’s meant to.

  • Alchemize fear, anxiety, avoidance, and confusion with money into money as an obvious byproduct of who you are and your actions - trust, empowerment, and flow with money being your default experience.

  • Stop feeling and experience your content as flopping and creating content that LANDS - not based on sleazy tactics or instagram “secrets” but by releasing your full spectrum expression and innovator so people find you and are like “WHERE HAS THIS HUMAN BEEN ALL MY LIFE WOW.”

  • Allow sales to become your favorite part of your business. Stop stewing in “what do I say to get them to buy” and let sales become simple and straightforward.

  • Go from “scaling feels like a mystery and there’s something in the way I can’t figure out!!!” to “scaling is so natural, easeful, and inevitable because I’ve clearly designed my business and my beingness to allow for this!!!”

I’m SO EXCITED to teach a series of masterclasses to help you with all of this!!!!

Day 1 - Anchor into Success Identity 

August 14 - 10 AM MST.

Success doesn’t have to be something you chase or become addicted to, something to fill the void, something that feels out of reach or like there’s some magic formula to find.. it's a state of BEING first. True sustainable + joyful success comes first from integrating into your body and brain that you are worthy of and safe to be successful. It's expanding your capacity to receive and steward success + all that comes with it. It's an identity you nature within yourself. It's a calling you to courageously follow. It's unique to you, your gifts, your values, your body. In our kickoff class I’m leading you through a YOUR WAY workshop to click you into alignment for easeful success thats natural for YOU, Success Anchoring Embodiment Practice, and giving you convos that will lite a fire right under your ass in the best way possible!!!!

Day 2 -Your Space Holding Magic - owning + honing your gifts and medicine

August 15 - 10 AM MST.

Work isn't just a way to get money. It's a sacred exchange. Your gifts, offers, + space holding abilities are of high service and worthy of impacting thousands and making millions. Deepening your leadership + skill sets, allowing your service heart on fire to lead, and expanding your space holding capacity is so freaking important. On Day 2 I’ll lead you through the Pillars for Heart-Led Business + Lead you through a practice that will have you feeling your service heart lit on fire and ready to give to the world.

Day 3 - Wealth as your Nature

August 16 - 10 AM MST.

Money isn't separate from you and nature, scary and unknown.. it's an extension of you and Mother Earth. It is the agreed upon exchange. It's a life-force. When you have a deep embodied reciprocal and trusting relationship with money and you take the time to educate yourself to fluently speak the language of money - money becomes easeful, predictable, and trustable. Trusting money is trusting YOURSELF and LIFE. In Day 3 I’ll teach you how to relate to money has nature for natural wealth receiving, circulating, and holding. I’ll lead you through my Money as Month Earth Practice, and I’ll teach you the keys for money management for entrepreneurs.

Day 4 - Become the Embodied Brand

August 19 - 10 AM MST.

Creating content isn't a robotic step by step thing, it's not speaking into the void, you don't have to prove your worth in your content. Content creation is sacred soul expression. It's alchemy for you. It's service for them. Your expression of your life, your beliefs, your methods, your gifts, your challenges, your wisdom, your joys, your heartaches, ALL OF IT is SO valuable. People want to know you + learn from you. You are so trustworthy and likable. AND people want to pay you from what you create. Day 4 is ALL about releasing your expression, letting your message land with the right people for you, and being unapologically yourself on the socials.

Day 5 - Step into the Cash Vortex

August 20 - 10 AM MST.

Sales don't have to feel sleazy, like you're annoying, and like a mystery in how to "get people to buy." Sales is the portal to initiating the sacred exchange. It's so simple. Creating GENUINE connections with real humans from your real humanity. Sharing what's true for you to give. Giving in abundance without needing a dollar. And then opening up space for exchange with your services and being paid for it. People paying you is good for them (for them to both receive what you have to offer AND to have trust in thier ability to invest in themselves in ways that will uplift their life). People get to pay you from desire, love, excitement, and overflow. Day 5 I’ll be teaching you energetics and strategies for heart-led sales that are simple, straightforward, and freaking land with your people who love to pay you and receive from you!

Day 6 - Your Scaling Blueprint - Biz Modeling Workshop 

August 21 - 10 AM MST.

Scaling your business doesn't have to burn you out, feel undoable, or be dramatic. Challenges and stickiness are redirections that are going to help you find SO MUCH clarity and joy in receiving - listen to the wisdom. Structure is sexy and will support your flow of giving and receiving. You get to be even more seen and paid. You are meant to impact thousands and make millions. Day 6 I’ll be leading you through Your Unique Scaling Business Blueprint Workshop!!!!!

Bonus!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Day 7 - Q&A Sesh

August 22 - 10 AM MST.

COME ASK ME ANYTHING. Receive personalized feedback in hot seat coaching, drop in your questions (or ask ahead of time), get more details on what’s been covered.

If you’re new to my work,

Hi, I’m Melissa!

Here’s a little about me and my time in business:

  • Previous jaded engineer turned meditation/yoga/dance teacher, healer and life coach - about to pass my six year anniversary! I made $300 a month for my first six months, then started applying the business and money principles that I now teach. I 5xed my business to a $250K cash year my second full year in business and navigated the VAST amount of initiations that came with this.

  • I started teaching money work and then business because the universe screamed at me to do it.. and I LOVE IT. I love working with powerful heart-led leaders like you. :)

  • Some of my wins:

    • Selling out six figure launches in one week during a massive identity shift and giving capacity expansion. I’ve had many $50K+ launches.

    • Having a SINGLE paid class reach 850 people that STILL feels like the most insane thing. I’ve had many single classes reach 100 or more people.

    • Making a multiple five figure investment and making it back so quickly (during a $38K cash week), that I didn’t even see my bank account change after a massive embodied faith driven push in my business.

    • I’ve never burnt out from my business. I actually RECOVERED from burnout that was present before I started my business while scaling. I have NEVER resented my business or felt like I was chasing a dream I didn’t truly believe in. I am truly in love with the business and life I have built. I have created a business that allows for consistency of ease, pleasure, abundance and joy in my life. Heart-led all the way.

  • I’ve also navigated lows - I know the pain of a launch that had disappointing numbers and getting your ego CHECKED. I know avoiding a pivot that’s calling you and things that were meant to die (that I was clinging to) not working anymore. I’ve left a relationship that escalated to mental health crisis fueled physical abuse from my ex and didn’t have the capacity to run my business and had to scale back up. I’ve been THRU it with business and ALWAYS come out stronger and even more clear in my path.

My business is run by the topics I’m teaching in these masterclasses. I’m here to help you build your unique version of fulfillment and success. I’ve now supported over 4000 clients with pretty awesome results: (click to enlarge!!!)

Impact Thousands, Make Millions is for creatives, space holders, teachers, healers, heart-led product creators, content creators, heart-led executives.

It’s for those considering starting businesses all the way to those who have already brought in millions and want to refine with more ease and joy.

In Impact Thousands, Make Millions, you’ll Receive:

  • 6 days of live masterclasses (listed above).

  • Immediate and lifetime access to all replays.

  • Bonus Q&A, hot seat coaching call.

  • Telegram group to network, share takeaways, celebrate, participate in our giveaway (win up to $1000 in gifts!), and drop you questions.

  • ITMM is ONLY $55 to join for the WHOLE SHEBANG!!!


The first 50 souls that sign up will receive the bonus MOMENTUM live Workshop + Practice Session - DATE TBA Soon!

(If these are listed still - you will receive them when you sign up!!! - Don’t wait!)


Let’s go!!!!

Feel your vision, feel your calling, let your sign up be a ritual!!!! See you inside!!!!