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Notice how you feel about the title of this challenge:

GET RICH. I chose this name intentionally…

For many of the clients I work with when it comes to healing, deepening, and expanding their relationship with money, there is resistanceeeee. Resistance to talking about money, thinking about money, wanting money, the words “rich” or “wealthy” - whether they have money or not. Your first assignment is to start with this. Notice where the resistance is in your body. Breathe into it. Explore it and ask it why it’s there. Lovingly recall any memories this brings up or judgements you feel toward yourself or others. Now, reflect on how your life would change if you melted away that resistance. 





For the next 15 days, I am going to be leading you through a money challenge designed for you to come into intimacy with money. You are going to heal, to deepen, to expand, and to step into money stewardship through these two weeks. 

On the other side of this challenge, you will feel less charged around money. You will be able to see and mitigate your sabotage patterns. You will be more open to receiving. You will feel more gratitude with and trust with money. You will feel empowered with money. You will better understand how money works. You will deepen your financial values. You will feel worthy of money. 

I could list out sooo things here as we’re going to exploring different topics each day!!!!


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What you’ll learn in GET RICH:



Listen, I get it. There are REASONS you feel resistance with GETTING RICH. Bad shit has been done in the name of money. BUT you get to reclaim YOUR version of wealth, especially if you come from an oppressed lineage or care about how the earth has been depleted in the name of money. You get to shed the layers of shame, anger, avoidance, attachment and leave you feeling heavvvyyy, alchemize that shit, and make space to step into a loving, empowered relationship with money.

You get to release the charge and intensity you feel around money.



We’ve created space, now it’s time to deepen those roots. Imagine feeling so much trust with money. So much gratitude. When you swipe your card, you feel at ease. You love circulating money. You feel so clear on what wealth is to you. You feel in alignment with your money values. You feel resilient af with money ebbs and flows.

You feel SOLID with money.



When you have healthy energy flowing toward money and deep roots of abundance.. EXPANSION is natural and easefulllll. More and more money comes to you. Your receiving capacity expands. You feel courageous and go after your dreams. You are boldly expressed and magnetic af.

You are the ASSET - your value attracts monetary value. 



It’s time you get to UNDERSTAND HOW MONEY WORKS! I’m going to be teaching you practical skills with implementable tasks to become a MONEY STEWARD. Money is in an ecosystem. It’s coming and going, changing forms, changing hands. It’s not your money. You don’t take it to the grave. You are stewarding.

Learn how to take care of money just like you do your body, like you would a loved one, like you would a sacred space. Money will reciprocate. 


BONUS!!!!!!!! We will host THREE LIVE CALLS for deeper teachings, practice, and q+a sesh!

Live call dates + times:

Tuesday, January 7th at 11am MST
Tuesday, January 14th at 11am MST
Tuesday, January 21st at 11am MST




My Story

I used to feel super disempowered and shameful financially. I was a nervous wreck and super avoidant around finances. Making and keeping money felt hard for me. I never felt safe financially.

7 years ago I started applying my now 17 years of learning, practicing, and developing spritual, somatic, and awareness based healing modalities to my relationship with money and everything changed..

I now have a trusting, empowered, + resilient relationship with money and my financial reality has shifted to represent this. After applying this work in my life (with no intentions to teach it yet), I grew a multi-six figure a year business as a healer, meditation teacher, and life coach. I went from making ends meet to having a deposit for a house in six months. I 5xed my business in 5 months and built a multiple six figure net worth. 

This work has helped me welcome milestones that I never thought possible. It has also helped me navigate HUGE transitions and losses in my life as well!!!!

I feel a peace with money I never knew was possible. I trust my financial path. I love money and money loves me as a reflection of my relationship with life.

I knew I needed to teach this work after that. My clients started asking for it from me and the universe SCREAMED at me to get it out to the world. 

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Since then, I’ve supported THOUSANDS of people with shifting their relationship with money and tangible financial reality on some seriously deep levels. 





I’m breaking down everything I know into digestible, implementable, yet LIFE CHANGING lessons, practices, prompts, and actions for you to transform your relationship with money forever and allow it to be the best it’s ever been. 


After the challenge you will FEEL…

  • The trust that you can be exactly as you are and be worthy of money. You are WHOLE. We are not here to fix you. You can be learning and receive. You can be sad and receive. You can be in chaos and receive. You can be in the unknown and receive. You can be YOU and receive. 

  • Knowing that the healing and growth work is for you, for the ones you love, for the deep compassion you hold to love the world and all of nature and her inhabitants. Deep intention that you are supported in this. Deep reprograming that you get to receive. YOU DO. No more putting yourself last. No more being closed off to being supported.

  • Hopping off the hamster wheel of not enoughness and chasing. Detoxing the paradigm of more for more’s sake. Coming into natural abundance and feminine flux with money. Neutralization. Detachment. Enoughness right here, but also the willingness to expand into potential.

  • Deep healing and did I mention TRUST. In yourself. In money itself. In Mother Nature, God, the Goddess energies of this world that WANT to support you. WANT you to shine in your gifts for this world and WANT you to be fully, in overflow, supported in your callings, desires, career, and business.

  • Expansion into a way of living that once felt IMPOSSIBLE. Where I am now in my life because of the money relationship work.. like what the actual frick. Seriously. A few years ago.. I had no idea this was coming. It can happen fast. You can grow beyond what you ever thought possible. Gratitude for it allll.

  • Consistency. Everyday checking in with you and your abundance + money relationship. Massive growth over your lifetime.

  • Speaking the language of money.. numbers, accounts, investments, taxes. Being someone who knows wtf they're doing with money and that money feels safe with.

  • Your own personal wealthy values, vibes, expression, and embodiment. You becoming the wealthy, abundant, generous, grounded, receiving, fully expressed human you are called to be. It gets to be YOUR vision of wealth and success.



How it WORKS…

  • You sign up and celebrate!!!!!!! 

  • You get immediate access to some pre-work bonuses via email!!!

  • Do the prework!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Bite sized lessons + practices + prompts will begin dropping in January 7th!

  • IT’S CHALLENGE TIME! Share your takeaways and steep in community love!

  • It’s a CHALLENGE so you will get prizes for completing! 

  • You’ll attend the bonus LIVE sessions (these have replays yes!!!)

    • Tuesday, January 7th at 11am MST

    • Tuesday, January 14th at 11am MST

    • Tuesday, January 21st at 11am MST

  • We complete the challenge together and CELEBRATE (I’m going to be doing it with you!!!)

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This is for YOU if…

You want to feel faking good about money. PERIOD. I have worked with those coming from generations of oppression to those coming from massive generational wealth. If you have debt or if you’re a multimillionaire. If you are in corporate or an artist or a teacher or an engineer or a space holder or an entrepreneur or a CEO.

If you want to feel so juicy - loving - trusting - empowered - safe - joyful with money..

I got you. I will speak to you. I see you. Let’s go.

$45. What have you got to lose???????