
What you’ll learn in this free challenge:

  • How to harness the power of self-awareness to increase your capacity for love, joy, connection, leadership, adventure, and abundance.

  • Practical applications of the foundations of worthiness: forgiveness, enoughness, gratitude, and the cycle of giving and receiving.

  • You’ll get a special invitation to my leadership mindset and embodiment course and community, WORTHY that is only open for enrollment until June 15th.

This challenge lasts five days. Each day, you’ll receive that day’s video and journaling prompts, as well as how to apply this foundation to the career and abundance expansion you’re calling in directly in your inbox. The challenge is designed to be easy to implement and will take no more than 15 minutes a day. You’ll receive your first challenge prompt right after you sign up!

Sign up for the Foundations of WORTHYness Challenge

Enter your info below to start the free challenge.

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