Expand Mastermind

The space for calibrating to your highest potential, cleaning up all areas of your business + owning your desires and medicine to come into your truest alignment, and easefully expanding on your highest timeline of giving and receiving in business.

You are a powerful af business devotee. Your business is one with your spiritual path. You do deep medicine work, you are embodied in this work.

This is freaking awesome - you love the creativity, you love the fulfillment, you love being so aligned with your path.

But it's also challenging sometimes. There are initiations.

You are coming out from the other side of a decomposition period.

A contraction. A deepening of your values. A redirection.

Through this contraction, you are becoming even more clear on your vision, your medicine, your expression.

It's expansion time.

I am calling in an intimate group of souls who are alchemizing to rise during this season of their business. Two months to scale from deep roots of service and power backed by next level energetics and supportive business structure.


  • You want a space to help you hold the energy of rebirth that is taking place, you don't have to do it alone. Let me as your space holder and the energy of this group of powerhouses be a catalyst in your next level.

  • You have a BIG vision calling your forward - it's hard to trust it feels so big. You want a space that will help you normalize, embody, and create grounded steps toward that vision. EXPAND is the space for those with deep medicine and impact.

  • You want to implement unique to you structure and strategy that will offer you delicious support. You're tired of trying on everyone else's way - chasing what you think will work or what you should do. You business is visionary and you are ready to innovate and step into flow state in your operations. My speciality is supporting my clients in business design that is supportive, in alignment with their bodies and values, is reiterative and life giving, and feels damn good in both energetics and structure.

  • You are ready to have a serious deepening in your leadership, your power, your expression, your service-heart, your radiance, your you-ness in your business. You are ready for your business to feel fun and free af. You are willing to shed the layers, beliefs, and todos that are draining you to make room for this expansion. EXPAND is the space to deepen in who you are.


• You know + are practiced in your medicine.

• You've already established a business that is now ready for refinement, rebirth, and expansion. v You are service-led (including service to you).

• You want to be in a space of powerful af humans and have the celebration, witnessing, and communication skills to do this.

• You can practice discerning your own truth in council spaces and see the value in this.

• You prefer a space holder who creates space for your own wisdom and leadership to shine through vs. a coach who projects their way onto you.

• You want a blend of self-led (bring your questions, refections) with being held + blind spots being revealed.


  • Private 80 minute energy and strategy audit Zoom Call with me to initiate the expansion!

  • 8 weekly group council calls with my Signature Expansion Practice (Create Space, Anchor + Celebrate, Step Courageously into the Vision) created for this container + individualized support in hot-seat coaching format.

  • Personalized content gifts to for practice, implementation, and integration.

  • Voxer voice/text group chat for ongoing council + weekly drop in's with me.

Please read my company policies and space expectations here.

The investment for Expand Mastermind is $3000 PIF or two payments of $1600.

My desire is for full congruence and full body yes from both of us! If you are feeling called to go deeper into stepping into this space, here is your application portal. Please take your time with this.

Meet Your Mentor, Melissa Moffet


I love love love supporting folx in simplifying and amplifying their lives and in their heart-led, of service businesses. 

My most excited areas of focus are helping you:

  • Heal, deepen, and expand your relationship with money.

  • Step into an embodied and impactful space holder.

  • Create holistic success in your business from service-heart and alignment with your sustainable business blueprint.

I live in Boulder, Colorado and love being in nature, spending time with friends and family, dancing, singing, and I'm a major foodie. ;)