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 Equinox energy. Internal spring cleaning. It’s time we get back to our beingness.

We’ll do:

Deep letting go practice to let clear out what we’ve been filtering over the last few months and an opening practice to let some of that spring air into our systems. Will include breath techniques, EFT tapping, movement, and affirmations.

Spring intention building at all levels: energetic, body, heart, and mind.

Discussion on the power of beingness in creating your reality, how to cultivate beingness in day to day, the importance of full spectrum beingness.

Q&A moment.

Whatever else naturally arises in the moment from the channel.

The intention:

You’ll feel fucking fabulous and have tools to bring that energy even more into your life.

You’ll possibly cry and let a SHIT TON of stuff go. Clearing is where it’s at honey.

You’ll feel free in your body, heart, and mind.

You’ll detach more, open up more, love more, breathe deeper, and feel way more trusting and grounded.

You’ll connect with the other participants in a deep ass way and feel super supported.

You’ll let me juice you up with that good heart energy.

The details:

Lifetime access replay.


The sign up:

See you there love!